Pros: So much information with such little effort. Once you understand how the software propagates your data everyone everywhere across your facility has live up to the minute data. We’re talking paperless! All your data is current, Live scheduling, perfect history tracking, it’s also a time clock system. You get live feedback on how your progress is currently at all stages of production. Every department across the company uses interconnected modules that auto fill information throughout the company. It has an internal mail system to easily reach anyone at anytime. I don’t have to walk all over the plant to get a simple answer. The fine crew at ProShop Canada Inc has thought of everything… Did I mention Paperless! No travelers to get all dirty or lost. No more wondering if I have the most current print or current anything for that matter. The only information available to you is the current version. All the information anyone needs is simply at your fingertips. If you’re going to collect data it might as well be accurate data and this is as close as you’re going to get. ProShop is very informative and helps facilitate all aspects of the company. Job descriptions, training modules, full cutting tool library, Measuring tool calibration. It’s Awesome!
Cons: If you are not use to a data driven system it can take a bit to learn but it’s well worth it. You’ll find things go much smoother.
Comments (Benefits):
I learned a great deal more about how the entire company gets things done.