Hello. Hello. Good morning, folks. Welcome to what month is it? April? Welcome to our April webinar. I appreciate you all joining. I am flying solo today. So couple of housekeeping items, first, as I always love to start these things, please throw in the chat where you are joining us from. I’d love to see where people are. All right, Casey, right off the bat, Ripley, New York. Thank you. Awesome. In Michigan, in Vancouver, in Appleton, Wisconsin. Good to see you, Nathan. And Chris at New Milford, Orange County. All right, we’ve got the West Coast, Abilene, Texas, Minnesota, Moorpark, awesome, Nevada. Very good. Louisiana, hey, Cody, looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks, next week. About a week from now, I’m going down to Louisiana to see, Cody, at coastal do a crawfish boil. That is gonna be a super good time. All right. So, because it’s just me. If you have questions, please make sure to put ’em in the Q and A area at the bottom of your zoom bar, not the chat, ’cause those will disappear in the chat. So please put ’em in the Q and A, I will try to get to those at the end. This may not be a full hour. We’ll see. We might be able to bust through it pretty quick, give you some of your day back, but we are talking about driving profitability and there is not many more things important than that, for sustainability of a shop with customer scorecards. So for those that don’t know me, let me see, where is my slide advancer here. Those that don’t know me, my name is Paul Van Metre. I am one of the co-founders of ProShop. And I owned a shop along with my partners for 17 years. Started it right outta college, funded by a second mortgage, bought a Haas VF-4 and started making parts and trying to find customers. And we had our fair share of good customers and bad customers and customers that were in between. And so definitely speaking from experience when I know some of the pain that can be caused with clients that aren’t a great fit and the joy of working with clients that are just perfectly aligned with what our company wants to do. All right. So a little bit about us. Now, obviously ProShop we are a web-based shop management software. This is our mission statement. We really firmly believe that machine shops and manufacturers are the absolute ground floor sort of bedrock of the economy. If we can help support them better they are gonna be able to in turn support their communities, their stakeholders, their customers, their employees, and their whole economy is gonna thrive. It’s a good upward spiral of goodness. So in that light one of the most impactful things that any shop can do for long term success, we’re really talking about a sustainable business that is focused on serving the right fit clients and not being just terribly distracted by clients that are not a great fit. And I always think of client fit as sort of a bullseye, right? Every shop, I’m sure everyone on this call just knows in their gut what this feels like. When you are working with a client that is just an incredibly great fit, right? They are the very center of that bullseye, we will get into some of the criteria later, but there is just great alignment. The people there are awesome to work with, the parts that they need from you, the timelines, the prices they’re willing to pay, just all of it you know works. And then they’re are concentric circles, concentric rings of that bullseye. They go a little further out. You know, maybe they are super nice people but they’re kind of penny pinchers. They’re not willing to pay NRE charges or who knows what it might be. And then the very outer rings and maybe off the edge of your actual target are the clients that are just not a fit for you, right? They are just incredibly demanding. They are, you know, they have expectations that are just well above what are reasonable. And I think all of you, like I said, know what it feels like to have clients in every one of these rings, but a lot of shops just kind of suck it up and deal with it. And don’t put in enough actual, I’ll say sort of research and thought and sort of team exploration to really distill down what are those great fit clients and why are they great fit? So this whole webinar, and even the blog that I published recently was kind of a fluke to be honest. I was looking through a bunch of old pictures and videos in my Dropbox account. And I ran across this picture and a video that I’ll show you a screen capture of in just a few minutes here. Of the scorecards that we actually developed at PRO CNC, that was the name of my shop. And when I found this, of course rang a bell that we had done this, but I had forgotten sort of quite to the extent that we had done this. And I’m sure I can’t take all the credit. I know John who worked on our team at the time was just very thoughtful in this way. And I’m sure he had a big hand in developing this scorecard. So let’s talk about what is in this scorecard here? So in the top corner we had the client name, we had an account account manager, which is more like a project manager and then an account rep, which is like the salesperson that calls on that account. We made room to put their little logo. I’ve hidden it to protect the innocent here. Now right below that we… Now this tier thing, this is a little bit more focused, sort of on some terminology in the aerospace supply chain, right? If we were working directly for Boeing or Airbus, for example, that would be direct, like we’re going straight to the OEM, but this particular client worked at sort of tiers, one through three. So they directly serve the air, you know, serve the auto the, excuse me, the aircraft manufacturers like Boeing and Airbus, but then they also supplied, you know, into systems integrators and other companies. So I’d say in general, you want to try to be, you know, at the higher end of that pyramid. You know, the further down you go, the more companies that are in between you and the end customer, which means they’re taking margins, they’re doing things to, you know, mess up timelines or who knows what might happen at all these different tiers. You know, at the very lowest tier in terms of machine shops, are generally shops that do nothing but offload work from other shops, right? And there is nothing wrong with that necessarily. It could be the easiest type of business to run. Little lifestyle business with a couple machines and you have some good solid shops that just offload work to you. They provide material, they provide everything you need and you just do it, right? Nothing wrong with that at all. Next here, this was our revenue scale. So less than a hundred thousand up to 3 million per year in revenue. So this client was in the like one and a quarter million revenue with us, which is obviously, you know, reasonably substantial. You know, when we sold our shop we were about a $10 million business. So this company was about 10 to 12% of our business, which was actually on the high end. We tried very hard to not let any particular customer get too big with us. So if we did have a client that really started to scale, we would just try to scale other customers and find other ones as well to keep that relatively balanced. Down here in the bottom corner, collectibility, right. Do they pay their bills on time? That’s obviously hugely important and yes, this customer certainly did. And then these are really the sort of objective criteria, right? That we, well, some are subjective, a little more, some are objective. It looks like we were giving them, you know, probably an A through F scale. And this particular client was always in Bs, right? They were profitable, NRE behavior. I won’t go into these. We’ll talk about these in just a second here. What industries they served. Right, I know some of you on this call are well diversified in many different industries, which is a really good thing. Some are a little bit more focused and some I know we’re focused in certain industries and have broadened recently in the last year or so, to really start serving more industries, which helps you manage and navigate sort of the highs and lows, the cyclical nature of some businesses like oil and gas or aerospace or transportation. So it’s good to have more than one badge there. And then over on here on the right hand side we all have heard this adage, right? Choose delivery, quality or price. You get to choose two of the three. I believe that’s largely true to a lot of degrees. And we would just use this Venn diagram and kind of put a little dot, right? Where we thought that client. So this client cared more about delivering quality. They were not that price sensitive, ’cause they really valued the fact that we delivered on time parts, that were very high quality. And then this last one here, this revenue curve, you can see the first box here, very up and down, right? Feast or famine kind of thing. They overload you with huge projects and then they don’t have anything for a month or two. And this particular client was pretty steady, right? So we had long term agreements with them, we had, you know, blanket purchase orders. We did a lot of conbond with this particular client. So they would issue us sort of a blanket PO for an entire year, and then every week they would say, “All right, ship us 10 parts, 20 parts, 15 parts, 30 parts.” And we would, in this case, we would our parts generally speaking in units of five, ’cause that’s what we had agreed up on with them that we would always, they would always order their weekly deliveries in units of five. So we would just package ’em that way, build ’em to stock, put ’em on the shelf and so every week we were shipping out, you know, several deliveries just with a one week around time. Which they loved and was easy for us too. ‘Cause we could manage that on the back end. Let’s see here. Oh yes. And so let’s see, I’ll get to the sort of categories in a second here. But our awesome team has made a little Excel template for this and they’re gonna put it in the chat. And when we send the recording of this webinar you will also get a link to that. So if you are watching this in the future, hopefully there’ll be a download on the page where the recording is, so you can download that yourself as well. We put it in Excel format so you can tweak it, change it around to your liking, but not a bad thing to start with. So thank you Sierra and Opera for building that, really appreciate it. All right, let’s get into some of the specific categories that we use ourselves for our scorecards. So we’ve broken this out into three, so there is not too much text on one screen, but so these are the first, the first five here. Obviously top of the list profitability. When you have the luxury of dealing with clients that are not quite as good a fit in some of the other categories but they’re highly profitable. Sometimes you just gotta suck it up and that’s what you do, right? And in the video that I ran across, I was talking about this with our team and I’ll go into a little bit more detail on that, right? If they are willing to pay like what it takes to make their parts, and again, they’re not terribly price sensitive, they really value the aspects of delivery and quality that weighs very heavily. So what we did is we would actually weigh these criteria. So, you know, forecast ability may not be quite as important to us as profitability. So we would wait those and then give them sort of a final score at the end. NRE behavior, right? Every shop knows that, sorry, question. Oh, upload this into the context module. Great question. I don’t remember, but I’m certain we probably did. Yeah. In fact, that’s a great feature to actually build this right into ProShop, isn’t it? Put that on the list? Yes, Rebecca. So would we upload this scorecard to the contact module? You definitely, it’s a great idea. You know, if your system has a place where you can attach file attachments to every customer, it’s a great place to put them. So you have a standardized place where people can go see them. So yes, Thank you for that, great question. NRE behavior. So every shop knows it takes effort to get a project or a part number off the ground, right? You may need to make fixtures. You certainly need to program it, buy custom cutters. You know, who knows what, it just takes effort, right? And we had some clients that were either very happy to pay those NRE charges, right? They wanted us to make sure we invested in our process to make a good quality part that was stable, that we had good repeatability and they knew that it cost money to do that, and they were willing to pay that. Now, sometimes we had clients that would ask us, “All right, happy to pay the NRE charge. “Maybe it’s a thousand bucks, couple thousand bucks, “but we wanna own those fixtures.” For example. And in those cases if that seemed reasonable we’d say, “No problem at all.” Right. These are the fixtures we’re gonna make and you will own them. We’ll keep them here for you. But if you ever, you know, if we went out of business or if you needed to move the job or something, you know, we would ship those to you. I’d say the likelihood of them pulling that trigger was pretty low. And if it made them feel good, that was fine. But the main point here is they were willing to pay upfront. So we didn’t have to lose money, you know, on the first few jobs in order to break-even on run number three or four, because we had such a big outlay and all those upfront costs to get a job off the ground. Values fit was next, right? This is really more the subjective side of things. Are they just good people, right? Do they treat us nicely? Are they kind? Are they understanding if we make a mistake? Are there expectations of us, you know, reasonable? Right. We all know clients that fall on the good side of that and the poor side of that. So depending on how much stress you care to deal with or not deal with, you might put this pretty high on your waiting score. Forecast ability. This is certainly an important one for customers that are more sort of in the production mode, right? And we work with clients of every style here at ProShop, right from exclusively prototype shops that do nothing ever twice, very small quantities, quick turnarounds up to customers that do nothing but high run, repeat production, you know, same parts for 10 years over and over and over again. And with any client, whether it’s the high volume or the small, you know, quick turn, if they’re bringing you, you know, a repeatable amount of revenue every month, that’s something you know that you can rely on. It’s safer to, you know, tool up and higher up for those people. If it’s very feast or famine, that’s just obviously harder to deal with. If you have enough feast or famine clients that they all kinda level each other out, you know, that can work, but there’s gonna be those months where you get a big spike from several people and you’re just completely overloaded and then you’re gonna be late and people won’t be happy. So the smoother it is obviously the better the fit, that probably is gonna be for your customer, your company. Cost of entry. Especially I think when switching between industries, there is a huge learning curve in the types of materials, the types of outside processes, nuances on the drawing tolerances, you know, cosmetic requirements, finish requirements that you may not have, you know, been accustomed to. So this is, I’d say, you know, companies that are a high cost of entry may actually be great because that means as your competitors will also have a hard time ramping up and figuring out how to do work for those clients. So that was something that we tracked. Let’s see, what’s next here. Services used. So obviously some shops are very specialized, right? You’re a Swiss shop like Nathan or you are a, you know, really sort of a Jack of all trades. You have mills and lays and Swiss and EDMS and assembly services. I’d say the more a client uses of your services, the better fit that is, right? The more entrenched they are with you, they have multiple buyers with different commodities or multiple things that they need from you on a monthly basis. You know, in our shop we had milling, we had turning, we had pretty complex assemblies, engineering work. We were ISO and ANS for engineering services as well. And then also did our DFM, which turned into a pretty substantial part of our business and our best clients used all of it, right? They had mill parts, they had turned parts. They wanted to get assemblies from us. They engaged with us on our DFM. They had us come in, you know, on a weekly basis and talk with them about design from any manufacture ability in their parts. And we were on first name relationships with, you know, 20 of their engineers. So for us, that was a really great fit. That scorecard I showed you, that example client, they used all of those services of ours. So we were really well entrenched there, right? And it would be very difficult for another vendor to come in and replace us in all those different areas that they used for us. All right, payment terms. So important. And a real sticking point I know for a lot of shops because there are customers out there that are asking for, you know, NET 120, NET 90, right? These just ridiculously long payment terms. If you have clients that don’t, you know, if they pay NET 30 and they’re always on time, obviously that’s the best case scenario. I’d say also the further you get up in those tier, the more likely you are to deal with longer terms. And if you have enough of a, you know, cash cushion in your bank account, that you can manage that, then that may make this a little bit less of a factor for you, but it’s always something to pay attention to. And of course, that’s gonna come from your accounting team, right? You may have people in the sales department or in engineering or manufacturing that aren’t as tied into, you know, whether clients pay on time. So this is part of the value in having a scorecard, getting input from all the teams. Documentation is a big one in the job shop business, right? We all know customers that have just a complete mess in their engineering processes, right? They send you drawings that are still at rev A, but they’re different than the rev A they sent you a week ago, right? And you need to figure out and deal with how do we handle that? Maybe their drawings are just not well done. Everything is plus or minus one, or they have GD&T all over it, in a way that clearly doesn’t demonstrate that the engineers know what they’re talking about. Their bomb items have typos, right? There is just all these kind of things that can vary from really great and excellent processes to just really poor. And, you know, that can be a double edged sword. If you have a client that’s just really terrible at all of this, but you have figured out how to work with them and understand the nuances of working with their crazy system. Then that also probably puts you in a good spot where a new vendor trying to come in, may totally screw something up because they don’t understand just how dysfunctional that customer can be. All right, shipment quantity. Probably not as huge, but this is certainly a factor. You know, we had some clients, you know, we’d make, you know, we’d parts of all different values, right? Some parts are many hundreds down to single, you know, single dollar, you know, five bucks, eight bucks, 20 bucks, you know. And sometimes they’d say, “Hey, can you send us, you know, one piece that’s a $7 part.” And we’re like, “You know, just doing the paperwork “and doing the shipment and processing “that is way more expensive than seven bucks.” So right. If it’s a rare thing and you don’t mind helping them out in an emergency, but for the most part they understand that there is transactional costs for everything that you do and that they do. And, you know, each shipment is at least several hundred bucks or a thousand bucks or more. That’s just gonna reduce your cost of doing business with that client and just make that run a little smoother. Cosmetics. This really varies of course, by the customer, by the industry. I was just down at a shop yesterday and they make doors that go into utility cabinet that are buried in the ground for, you know, cable and water and gas, you know, not terribly cosmetic, right? It’s all laser cut steel, it’s all welded and then plated. But there are clients like the one that we, you know, that I mentioned early in our scorecard, they’re making, you know, interior components in the cockpit for aircraft, right? And those folks are supremely picky when it comes to, you know, just flawless parts, no scratches, no finishing marks, no, you know, nicks, dings or birds, just, you know, super, super important. And there are shops that are really good at that, right? They have well defined processes. They have all the equipment, they have people with that mindset. And that can be a beautiful thing. But if you are not a shop that specializes in that, maybe you’re really excellent at big hog outs and removing chips and using cranes to move things around, you know. And then you get a customer or your salesperson brings you someone that wants something, you know, with a mirror polish or a super grain finish, that’s just flawless. That may be a real struggle for you. So just understanding where your strengths are and making sure that aligns with what those customers are looking for can be so important. All right, last group here. We all deal with rejections, one time or another, but the way that they happen and the nuance around whether you think that that customer has is right, I’ll say. There is lots of nuances, we could talk about this particular thing for a whole hour, I’m sure. But there were definitely situations where we would get a rejection from a client and they’d say, “Yeah, this thing, isn’t good.” And we’d look at it. And we’d say, we’d look at the drawing, we’d look at the model, we’d look at the parts, we’d say, “No, they’re good. “They’re definitely good.” And they might be checking it in a way that just totally doesn’t make sense. You know, some shops believe that because it’s their customer, their customer is always right. And they have a level of expertise that determines that they know what they’re talking about, but I can assure you that’s not always the case, right? We definitely had clients where their incoming inspection process and their quality department was minimal at best, right? And they might have someone that doesn’t have a ton of experience. And they’re checking something with, you know, who knows what? A comparator, a one, two, three block, up with a height gauge, and they’re doing something that’s kind a funky, or you get into these subjective ratings where they just look at it and they’re like, “yeah, I don’t like the way that looks, right? But there is nothing on the drawing that would indicate that that’s a rejectable condition. So anyway, whatever that is, just making sure that you are documenting process, knowing how each of your customers is responding to, you know, rejections or differences of opinion as it relates to quality. Something to pay attention to. VMI or vendor manage inventory. You know, these can be just incredibly awesome situations where you have clients that really rely on you to help make sure that they have enough inventory in stock, whether you’re actually shipping it and having it, you know, stored at their facility. And then they consume it and you, you know, do blanket PO or whatever. It can be just a great situation. And if they really don’t rely on you for any of that, that’s probably less of a solid place. I understand VMI is not super duper common in a lot of shops, but if you can find it and get into a good groove with the customer, that can just be an awesome situation. Lead times are probably one of the most important things today, right? Coming out of the pandemic with just industry and the demand for machine parts being just so high right now, seems like every customer is in a huge hurry and that’s fine, and we wanna try to serve them, but you really need to, I’d say, stand your ground a little bit. If you quote, you know, a six week lead time for something and they come back and they want it in three, that can be tough, right? That can be really tough. So, you know, maybe you can do that if you charge them a big expedite fee, but you’d still need to weigh, you know, balance the pros and cons of, you know, rushing a job, trying to meet that delivery for them versus off a bunch of your other customers that you had scheduled on time but now they’re gonna be late, ’cause you have to rush this order job, this job through. So, you know, obviously the best customers, the best fit are ones that will, you know, largely respect your lead times, if you say, “Yep, this is six weeks.” That’s what they put on their PO. Right? And they might say, “Hey,” you know, “I’m putting six weeks. “That’s what you’re quoted. “But if you could pull off four “we would be immensely grateful to you.” That’s a different situation than just absolutely demanding. “Nope, this is what I need. “You gotta do it or else I’m gonna, “you know, kick you to the curb.” So important stuff there. Rev control is the next category. Not that dissimilar from the sort of messy engineering stuff, but we have customers that, you know, don’t put revs on their POs, right? They just order a part and a part number and a quantity. And you’re like, “Yeah, but what revision level is that?” Right? So you always gotta ask them or get them to put it on, or again they’re doing this thing where they’re sending new revs that aren’t actually revised, right? It’s the same rev level on the drawing, but it’s changed. There is new changes to it. So that’s always difficult. If you have good process to manage that, right. Maybe you can mitigate the risks of that, but it’s always something to keep in mind. And then work fit here, possibly best for last. And this relates to so many other things, including profitability, of course. If it is the type of work that is a good fit for you, material, size, complexity, cosmetic requirements, that is just so important. If you are bringing work in the door that just doesn’t fit the strengths of your team, the strengths of your systems, your processes, your equipment, that is always gonna be uphill battle. So for us we had what we called a triple threat. If we had, you know, most shops can, you know, have a variety of things that they’re good at, you have your super sweet bullseye part, you know, that’s maybe titanium and it’s this big and it’s made on, you know, with five access features or it’s, you know, your a Swiss house. So it’s anything smaller than half an inch and four inches long with lots of little holes and stuff, that are just really great for your equipment, but there is always things outside of that. So for us, that triple threat was, is it a material that we’re not generally as good at as others? Are there tolerances that are super high, you know, super high tolerances all over the place? And are there cosmetic requirements that are above the norm? If we had all three of those on one drawing, we knew that that was gonna be a real struggle, right? And we would either not quote them or we’d quote them very high with the effort of not winning that work. Or if we did win it, we were darn well gonna make sure it was gonna be profitable. So that is one of the bigger ones. So there is a bunch of detail about different criteria. Some of your criteria might be a little different, you know, this is not super prescriptive, just sharing sort of what we did, what worked for us. And so kinda to summarize that up, right? It’s really important to have your whole team from your sales department, your estimating department, down to production, manufacturing, quality, all be on the same page and all be aligned. I’ve definitely been in shops where you could clearly tell that there was not a lot of trust between, you know, the sales team and the manufacturing team, right? The sales team is bringing in whatever they can. And a lot of times it’s just not a great fit for the shop. You know, it’s not well priced. The target times are too low. It’s difficult work, that’s not a good fit. The lead times are just ridiculously short. And when the sales team is constantly pushing work like that into the company that just causes a lot of stress because people care about doing a good job, I generally believe. And if they’re set up for failure right away, because everything isn’t in alignment, that just is just difficult. It’s stressful. it reduces that level of trust between the team and sales. So really important to understand why that’s so crucial and really get alignment. And sometimes you’re gonna have to bring in work that’s not a fit. So here is a very fuzzy picture from the low quality video from, whatever, 15 years ago or more. That’s me giving a summary of the scorecards. And we actually had five categories. I was trying really hard to read these categories. Know I got the first two for sure. We have partners and friends, but I honestly can’t remember the names of the rest, but I was talking with the team about this concept of fit, sharing the scorecards and the buckets that we are putting our customers into. And there definitely were some customers that were highly profitable. They were in good alignment with several things, but they were a real pain in the butt. Excuse my French. When it came to some of those things like, you know, the cleanliness of their drawings or lead time expectations, right? And so talking with the team about these things, understanding that you can relate to the fact, you’re making a conscious choice that, yeah, these customers are a bit of a pain, but for all these other reasons they’re essential to our business. They have a high volume of profitable work and that helps pay salaries and bonuses and raises and all those other things and have it, it should be a two way discussion. I really believe, right? If there are reasons why the shop just, you know, really, really doesn’t want to work with a customer, I think that’s something that the shop owners and leadership should pay attention to and have, you know, have a good discussion about it. So having that empathy, having an open conversation, good communication with the team is just so important. All right. So formalizing this process. So we would do quarterly reviews where we would solicit input from all the different team members. So, you know, again, from those departments in terms of accounting and sales and product and quality and engineering, whatever teams or departments you have, they would be the ones to give feedback in the areas that they worked in, you know, exclusively. ‘Cause you really wanna sort of get that sort of 360 view of a client to make sure that, you know, as the touch points of everyone in your team touching them, that you have that feedback of what that is. So we would do that quarterly. We would again create that sort of ultimate score and then categorize them, put ’em on a chart as you saw. I had my five categories as to whether this is a partner, whether it’s a friend, whether they’re solid or I called it time to move on, right. And this is only four, again, couldn’t remember the fifth and I just guessed on the last two there, but you can come up with your own names. The point is, you know, bringing some intentionality to this really formalizing it, you know? So it’s not just not just, hey, don’t like these people, or why don’t you like these people, right? Or what’s really important about the situation here? So doing that in a very systematized formalized way, I really really think can bring long term benefits. Because once you really can understand the attributes that make for a really great fit client for you, that gives your sales team just great information to go out and find more customers just like them. All right. If you’re not really sure what you’re looking for, how can you find it? So I decided to… This was in our blog and I decided to keep in the webinar here. And obviously everything has been about machine shops, job shops, contract manufacturers. It obviously hugely important for any kind of company. And it’s very important for us as well. So we have clients that are just an absolute, just gold mind, perfect fit, just great on the subjectivity, good kind people, really in alignment with our values and their values. Some of you are on this call you know who you are. And there are others that are just, you know, a little more challenging. So we actually came up with a list of things that are qualities. These are more the subjective side that are a really good fit for us as a software company. And you can, I’m not gonna read all these out, you can read ’em yourself, but there is a big difference out there in companies that approach these things in all different ways. And I’ll have a couple stories here in a minute about sort of companies on both sides of that equation so. So how can ProShop help specifically with this? So a lot of this is clearly outside of ProShop or a traditional ERP system, but there are, you know, there is data in your system that can really help to help drive some of these decisions or just collect the data for how you can then show up together, you know, to put these dashboard and these core cards together. So profitability, of course, is a super important one. So in ProShop we have the ability to get net profit down to the penny and single percentage for any work order. Obviously it requires getting your financial system set up well. Making sure you’re tracking time, having all your, you know, employee costs, and direct machine overhead costs, you know, plugged in properly. But when you do you can really get solid numbers. And then that allows you to, you know, pull up and look at different clients, different timeframes, different types of jobs and see which ones, you know, you’re making good money on, which ones you’re losing money on. And that is such an important variable for knowing if a client is a good fit or not. ‘Cause lot of companies have an idea. Yeah, I think they’re profitable but I don’t actually track my cost super well. And we’ve definitely had clients that once they started getting a feed of this good data, they’re like, “Holy cow, I thought this was a profitable client, “but clearly they’re not.” Right? And that can make a big factor, whether you want, I can double down and do more work with them. You could use some of our other reports like work by industry or work by client. If you click this other tab to just really see high level revenue, where is our revenue coming from? Which industries are they coming from? Which clients are they coming from? So we can see, you know, definitely very specifically where that revenue is coming from and you can look over different timeframes so you can see how regular that income is. And next quality. So this is our nonconformance breakdown dashboard. So you can, if we’re looking at, you know, how often does our customer, you know, our customers reject our parts. Obviously you can use the RMA module, but if you’re really looking down to cost and pieces and parts, using the NCR module would make more sense. So you can filter, for example, by customer and you can even look at responsibility. So in this case, you know, it could be the customer is the cause of the scrap, right? Maybe it’s because they did something stupid on a drawing, or again they rejected some parts that you are confident are actually good, but they just won’t talk about it with you. So definitely good data to be able to just pull it, distill it and understand what that is coming from. And then as far as assigning it. So if you decide that this customer is just not a great fit on the quality front, you know, assign it to your sales manager, right? As the person responsible to either go talk with that client, try to get them in line or ultimately, you know, move them off your client list by raising prices or just saying, “I’m sorry, we just can’t do this work for you anymore.” That’s one way you can help manage that. Lastly here, when it comes to just kind of building a story, you know, and having information about those clients and the people in those clients, this is just a snapshot of the contact page in ProShop. And actually in all my travels recently, I realized that this is a sort of a hidden feature that not every customer knows about. So you can turn on in the config setting this notes field, which is only again accessible to users that have that turned on for them. So it’s a little bit more of a sensitive data field if you will or something like that. So in this example we were using it for like a portal password and login to their client portal. But then, you know, a couple of notes in here about, you know, things that they were changing, their sales forecast, you know, eight times or they moved apart because we were, you know, a tiny bit higher than another vendor, right? Those may be red flags, that is just not a good fit. And if you don’t document these things, it’s easy to forget about them, right? Six months or a year down the road. But if you can put all these things in one spot, this is also… You can see there’s the file attachment area here. So this would be a good spot to link in that scorecard. And you can see this client was a partner status, but maybe if they keep some of these antics up they might move down, you know, down the scale. So anyway, so that’s another thing. We’re wrapping up here. We are gonna wrap up a couple minutes early. I genuinely encourage you to put some effort and some intention into this. I talk to so many companies and I can clearly see there are companies that are very intentional in the way they run their business, and there are companies that are very reactive and not super intentional. And I can promise you that doing this intentional work, to gather that information from your team, communicate it, score it, you know, get it into a system and then make decisions on that and have that ride behavior for finding more good fit clients, will definitely pay long term dividends in the terms of profitability less stress, probably better employee retention, right? There are a few things more stressful to an employee than just really unhappy customers that keep berating them or doing things that are just super unkind. So hopefully that message landed and you go forth and do some of the scorecards. So there was this one question that came in earlier. This is not the type of webinar probably with tons of questions. So if there are any, please throw ’em in right now. Otherwise we’ll just kind of move in into the final, thank you and wrap up. But I really genuinely appreciate all of you on this call today. Yes, copy of the slides, absolutely. We can include those. Thank you, Tom. We can include those in the, we’ll make just a PDF version and send them out with the recording and the little scorecard template that we created. So you can use that and customize that to your liking. All right. I think that’s probably it. Oh, does our Flying Start Package have a task associated with some of this? It probably does. That’s a good question. I haven’t checked it, but it was part of our process and everything in the Flying Start, well, most things started out as a PRO CNC process. So I’d have to look at it. I know there are dozens in the sales department or the management category. I will try to look that up. I appreciate, Phil, you asking that question. I will try to look that up. If not, hopefully this webinar is a good foundation for just developing that process for yourself and getting that incorporated into your daily work. So awesome. Well, thank you all so much for joining me today. Appreciate your attention and hopefully you found value in that and you go out and start scoring your customers and helping that drive intentional behavior to find more great fit clients and help those ones off your list that are just not a good long term fit for you. So thanks again, have a great rest of your day, and we look forward to talking to you on the next webinar.