– [Instructor] So here is our estimating module. I can click on any of these names, and browse, and click on the actual estimates for that company. It’s really easy to browse around and find stuff. You can search any partial strings. I can have saved searches as well already here, estimates that I’ve made in the last 10 days for example. Anyway, if we’re making a new estimate, we can make them from scratch by clicking here. You can just put in your part numbers, names, choose your clients from the dropdown list and sort of build something from scratch. What we actually recommend though is to actually copy something that’s existing if you have something existing or even better to use our template system. This allows you to organize different types of estimates into different categories. And then if you have something that’s similar, like this one is two horizontal ops with outside process made out of aluminum. So if I have something that’s similar I’m quoting, I’m just gonna copy that. Put in my client’s part number, put a name in, choose my quantities, or I can leave the existing template quantities. I could have multiples separated by commas, and I can submit that and make a new estimate from this one. Anyway, so that’s that. Let’s take a look at what an estimate looks like. And we’ll actually just go take a look at this one here. So this is actually an assembly estimate, and I wanted to show you a couple of things about assemblies. At the top of the page here, we have the basic part numbers and names, the rev levels, the clients, the contact people at that client. I have the routing table so you can see this is very simple. Some planning, installing Heli-Coils, part marking and inspection. I have different time elements. So setup time, non-recurring setup time, inspection time, actual runtime. Over on the far right, I even have… This is a fairly new feature, what we called resource rates. So these are rates that are being pulled in for the individual work centers. The gray ones are defaulted, but I can override those if I want to. And in this case, I’m quoting 10, 50, 100, and 250 quantity. And you’ll see here in my BOM master, I have all these numbers. And if I click on those, it’s gonna take me to the same place as I would see if I clicked right here. So this is my bill of materials. This bill of materials is actually associated with Operation 1,100 for installing these Heli-Coils. So if I click here, you’ll see Operation 1,100. And this is basically that’s some part numbers, revision, description, quantity per suppliers, the order numbers. So this is actually our internal order number for this fastener, for this MIL-SPEC Heli-Coil. And this is, so this is actually feeding from our COTS module. COTS stands for commercial off-the-shelf, and this is an item there. So if I open this up in another tab, you can see here’s that item. Here’s my inventory, here’s my suppliers. Here’s actually a little inventory table showing how many I have, how many I currently need. You can see that’s negative availability right now ’cause I need a lot more than I actually have in stock. So we’re feeding all that. We won’t get too far into that. Next to that is my cost table. You’ll notice all of these are sort of gray italics and they have different price breaks here. So this one is actually feeding- I guess they will open this up again. So this pricing here is feeding in from… Excuse me, from this pricing table from our primary supplier. So it is pulling into these price breaks. So based on what actually applies to the quantities we’re quoting, it’ll choose the right pricing. And then this one here, this is an actual machined part. So it’s an estimate rather than the COTS module so we have an estimate here. And this is actually pulling in my estimated unit prices based on the quantities I’m quoting. And if I click this little tab right here, this link assembly BOM Master, this will actually show us based on the four different quantities that I’m quoting which price applies to both the fasteners and the machined detail including those non-recurring charges. So we’ll take a look at that in just a second. I can choose how much I’m marking these things up. That’s really simple to do. If I click right back here, I can see my default markup is 10%. And that’s gonna apply on anything on my BOM that I have a markup multiplier on. So this markup multiplier with a 1.0, that means I’m gonna mark up these fasteners by 10%. You’ll notice this estimate here is zero. I’m not marking this up at all because I’ve actually already put my profit into this actual estimate and I don’t wanna mark it up twice. So here’s the subestimate for the machine detail, right? There’s my raw material. Here’s my outset processes. Let’s take a look here. So as an example we have, this is two different outside processes. We’re doing anodizing and chem film. Lead times, unit prices, lot charges. So you can see this is 120 plus 150, that’s 270, right? I can link in my vendor’s quotes. But this 270 is summarizing right down here. At my 10-piece quantity, it’s just using the lot charge. At my 25 and 100-piece, it’s actually using the calculated values based on unit prices. So it’ll automatically pull that in. I don’t have any BOM items on the subdetail. If I did, I’d see numbers here. I also threw in some numbers for tooling and shipping charges. Again, the markup here, scrap rate, number of parts or percentage. And you can again see here’s my resource rate. So I’m charging 15 bucks an hour for sort of this sort of office or bench work, 30 bucks for this HAS, 50 bucks for this machine right here, this five-axis Hurco. 10 bucks an hour for my shipping. I just threw these numbers in here. And if we come into this page called our cost breakdown page, this is where we can see all the backend calculations of what we’re charging for. So here’s our actual prices down here. You’ll notice we have two sets of columns. That’s basically how we’re handling those non-recurring charges. And so if you’re bringing those NRE charges into the unit price, this is what our unit prices would be. If you’re separating them out then this is the unit prices, and this would be the NRE on the first order. So if we come back here, we can see those are calculated based on anything in this non-recurring setup column. Any non-recurring inspection and non-recurring material and hardware. If I’ve ever quoted this thing just by itself, I can click right up here and choose Quote. And I can deal with those non-recurring charges separately as a separate line item or buried in the unit price. And then the quotes will be added right into here where I can see what my prices are, lead times, part numbers, terms and conditions. All that kind of stuff is here. But back on, let’s close out this guy. Back on this upper level assembly, so it’s pulling in all those estimated prices on the machined part, all the prices for my purchased item. And that again is rolling up into my full BOM cost with which I can- And then marking up just the inserts. And then when I’m ready to take a quote on this, let’s just go ahead and do one of these. Here it is quoting this case the four different quantities. There’s all my unit prices. I can just click submit from here. Let me just save this page. And there’s my quote, so I can… Of course, I can check this back out, throw in some delivery times or lead times. I have an internal notes field that I can mess with here if I want to. Let’s say I rounded this up to 400. I can edit any of these. I can put in a note right there. This will not be shown to the customer if I make a PDF out of this. And then in here, I can double click to grab a date picker. or I can just type into it as well and type in what I wanna type into those fields. And then of course all my terms and conditions pulled forward from my estimate. I can also edit these things here. So that is just a little bit about… Oh, I don’t need to make an attachment, but that’s a little bit about how ProShop works. If a client orders this, then we can launch a customer purchase order directly off of here and it just flows super smoothly right into the process. That’s real quickly look at what you do if you have a package quote where you have a bunch of part numbers you’re quoting. So the first thing I would do is come into our estimate module here. And I’m gonna come up under my name and go to this thing that we call my carts, and I’m gonna go into my estimate carts. ProShop has a whole series of different sort of shopping carts that you use in different modules. So for estimating, let’s say I had a new quote that someone just asked me about. I could click right down here, give it a name, and then start doing estimating and adding those estimates into my cart. But what that ultimately will look like if we look at say like this brackets one, if I click right on here I can see I have three different estimates all inside my cart. And I can click on to create a quote either with the NRE built-in unit price or not. So if we go ahead and click here, then you can see here that it’s pulled in in this case different quantities for all these different part numbers, the dash six, dash seven, dash eight. There’s all of our prices. I of course can put it in lead times, those kind of details. You’ll also notice down here on the terms of conditions, it’s separated out the dash six, seven, and eight based on differences in those actual terms. The common ones will be listed right here. Anything that’s unique will be listed separately. So that’s kind of a cool feature. If I go ahead and click save to this and then let’s say I modified some pricing, came into this one, they check this out. Put in maybe this is gonna be 15 minutes instead of 10. If I come right back into that quote that I was just on here and let me click checkout here, and you see the Set button? Here, watch what happens to these prices when it click set. I click set, and it’s gonna pull in fresh numbers. So it’ll do that all the way down the line if you’ve estimated a bunch of different stuff or if different people were working on different estimates. And then at the end you refresh everything, you can get all that updated pricing pulled right in. Hopefully that gives you a little bit of a taste of how our estimating and quoting process works in ProShop, thanks so much.