– Hi, this is Paul. So I get asked quite a bit about how you can look up the job history in terms of like who worked on a job, What they were doing, what day or time they worked on it, and sort of look at a progression in history and particularly around what people are doing and sort of doing some I’ll call it sleuthing or forensic research on where a job went South maybe, or where it went well, and so I wanna show you a couple of things we can do in ProShop quite easily. So we have a work order up here. We can see that this is for 26, 25 pieces. We actually made 26. All these operations are completed. That’s why these are all green. You’ll notice when I mouse over these, I get a sort of a little time date stamp that floats out over next to the mouse. So right there, we have like pretty good traceability of who clicked on what, who did what things. If we look at our time-tracking, the time-tracking summary of everyone that worked on this job, this is this little icon right here. This will take me to a summary of what time was spent on this job and starting at the beginning and going further down. So you can see Tim started with planning, then he did some programming, Jordan did some what we call pre-processing checklist, and then Paul set it up, Chuck did some setup too, and then Kelsey inspected it. And then we did into some running. So over here on the right hand side, so you can see we have time and date, in and out, we have work order, we have operations, we have work centers, we have target per hour if you’re in running mode and over here on the right we have our summary of each line and then we have some notes. So you can easily add notes to your time tracking entries. So we can see here that on this setup entry, we say we finished the first path and we submitted to QA. But then Kelsey failed that path for this diameter. So if Paul then reset up the new path you could easily document that new path was submitted. Now similarly, if we go right into this work order, we can go right into our first article page and please ignore all the red. This is definitely a demo system, but here we can see all the inspection results and QA second results. So we have the first column here is typically the operator or the setup person. And then a second and third buyoff by QA, if we mouse over these, we also get time date stamps. Same thing here. So we always have a record of when things were measured by certain people, and that can be corroborated with the time-tracking results, of course, as well. So hopefully that gives you a little bit of a taste. Oh, I wanna show you one other thing too. Also can be used to sort of track progression, especially if you’re troubleshooting something that needs to be fixed. This feature that we call process development. And let me go into click all here. So this page is, I have separate videos, we have separate videos on process development specifically but this is a page where you can identify problems that need to be solved or issues that need to be worked through. Like this one here had it all trouble with the fixture needed to have some pins added. Kelsey identified that one and then we assign that to Tim that was resolved. And if we mouse over this you can see there’s a full progression of the different statuses and the time and dates that those were signed off. So here we can have an example broke some taps, you know we thought maybe it was the program that was not the problem, buying better taps was the solution to that. So that was resolved. Again, time date stamps there for what happened and when. So hopefully that gives you just a taste of just a few other ways. You can really dive deep in just a few clicks honestly, right onto a work order and figure out what went wrong or what went right. If I wanna come back to this work order, I keep extending this video. The last thing we’re gonna do is we’re gonna check out the profitability. You see this dollar sign icon, this is available only to employees that have permission to see profitability and you can easily set that for any employee. So I’m going to click that link. There’s my job costing summary with the value that we build for our total of purchase items and labor which gives us our gross margins and our net profit at the bottom after we add all the different overhead expenses. If I want to go look at the labor, I can click right in that link. That takes me right to that same page that we saw before where we have all the time entries. If I wanna see what we spent in actual dollars, I can click that. And that takes me to a summary of all the vendor purchase orders that we issued. So hopefully that’s useful. And here you can see it’s very fast and easy to get to things in ProShop, really drill in to figure out what you need to know to make good decisions about repricing or anything like that. So thanks for your time and talk to you soon.