ProShop Founder to Speak at MMS Top Shops Conference

July 27, 2017

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Every year for the last many years Modern Machine Shop Magazine publishes a Top Shops list based on an extensive survey of thousands of machine shops in the US.  It’s now turned into a conference which in 2017 is in Indianapolis on September 5-7th. Adion founder Paul Van Metre has been invited to speak on the topic of “Developing a Machine Shop Franchise” which was the topic of an article of the same topic published as the cover story in January 2005 issue of Modern Machine Shop Magazine. The article, written by Derek Korn was a profile of the machine shop, Pro CNC, that the founders of ProShop Canada Inc originally started in 1997 right out of college.

The principles of developing a franchise template – developing clear and robust business processes, for the most consistent business results, are built into the core of ProShop. It’s what helps our clients execute more consistently and have higher profits.

If you’d like to attend the conference, the discount code ADIOVIP will get you 25% off the cost of registration. Hope to see you there![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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