ProShop Named FrontRunner for Manufacturing Sofware for the Second Year in a Row

August 12, 2019

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1566850818362{margin-bottom: 0.75em !important;}”]ProShop announced that it was named a FrontRunner for Manufacturing software by software advice. FrontRunner is designed to help small businesses evaluate which software may be right for them.

The FrontRunners Quadrant uses reviews from real software users to highlight the top-rated Manufacturing software products in North America.

ProShop is manufacturing software that was developed on the shop floor of a leading aerospace manufacturing company. It was built out of need when the owners of that company couldn’t find any software on the market that was truly designed for machining companies working in regulated industries. It is designed as a Digital Manufacturing Ecosystem (DME) to help truly bring a comprehensive Industry 4.0 solution to the metalworking industry in a way that is easy to understand and to implement. Since launching ProShop to the market in 2016, many machine shops and manufacturing companies have brought ProShop into their companies. They improve quality, on-time delivery performance, boost profits, and make their companies more valuable.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”Read Full Article” style=”custom” custom_background=”#f98e2b” custom_text=”#ffffff” size=”sm” align=”left” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-arrow-circle-right” css_animation=”fadeInUp” add_icon=”true” link=”|title:Read%20Full%20Article|target:%20_blank|” css=”.vc_custom_1566850795160{margin-bottom: 2em !important;}”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator color=”custom” css_animation=”fadeInUp” accent_color=”#cccfcf”][vc_column_text]About Software Advice and The Front Runners Category:

The content for FrontRunners is derived from actual end-user reviews and ratings as well as vendor supplied and publicly-available product and company information applied against a documented methodology; the results neither represent the views of, nor constitute an endorsement by, Gartner or any of its affiliates. FrontRunners is published on Software Advice, the leading online service for businesses navigating the software selection process. FrontRunners evaluates verified end-user reviews and product data, positioning the top scoring products based on usability and user recommendations for small businesses.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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