Eagle Manufacturing Testimonial
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Business Size: 1-10

Video Transcript

eagle manufacturing is a student-run

manufacturing and graphics business

housed in brown county high school here

in nashville indiana

we offer products and services in two

key areas manufacturing engineering is


and then graphics is another so our

manufacturing department offers cnc

machining services

as well as cnc plasma and cnc router


our engineering department does

prototyping as well as reverse

engineering and 3d printing services for

our customers

our graphics department offers

promotional products

from apparel to banners and signage

pretty much anything that you would need

to promote a business

prior to pro shop all of our work was

basically done with google sheets and

google docs

and it worked okay but it was pretty

chaotic at times

and after we implemented proshop we were

able to consolidate everything we do

within proshop and it has made us a lot

more efficient in our day-to-day


one of my favorite things about proshop

is how fast and easy it is to use how

fast it

is to see what’s going on in the shop

itself without having to go around and

ask everyone what is going on you look

at pro shop and you see everything right


proshop enables us to spend a lot less

time managing

projects and allows us to get more jobs

through the door

and it’s helped a lot we truly do love

it proshop has helped with seeing how


things can be and how much easier things

can be without losing papers or

getting them dirty or damaged shout out

to pro shop for seeing that there is

such a way to

be so organized because it is seriously

the easiest thing to use

proshop has had a tremendous impact on

eagle manufacturing

it’s allowed us to bring more students

in the door and allow more students to


and also reduce the amount of time that

i’d have to spend on managing

day-to-day operations and that just

gives me peace of mind and is a lot less

stressful than it used to be

i love proshop it’s made things a whole

lot easier and

helps me see how efficient a business

can be if they implement

a certain thing properly because of

working in eagle manufacturing and using

proshop i have experienced

a lot of what a business should actually

be ran and how it should actually be

organized and working because i’ve seen

where the errors can come in without the

proper use of pro shop proshop

proshop is definitely one of the best

experiences i’ve had

and we’re just more well-rounded with

this experience

my name is chris townsend and eagle

manufacturing is powered by proshop


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