Life is Easy with ProShop
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honestly two years ago

um you know right before pro shop if you

would have asked me

what i was doing i was like i’m i’m

selling that baby

you know part of the anxiety the ups and

downs and

things going wrong and and and now

it’s like dude i can

keep this thing running just bring me a

paycheck you know it’s like i come in

and what do i do i enter bills

or science you know all the things that

someone else can do easily so

i’d be an absentee owner and put in a

you know a you know an operations

manager of some sort

to handle all the day-to-day stuff and i

come in a few times a week and

you know sit in my chair and smoke my


what’s going on you know so really is

there’s a lot less stress now

that we can see and monitor everything

i mean there is no doubt about it so

that’s everybody asked me it’s like well

if somebody bought it

how many of the customers are gonna

leave when you leave you know and i’m


no right i’ve got

my guys they know them they call the

quality manager when they need it and

the guys know how to do everything and

pro shop’s been a huge part of that

everybody thinks when they buy a small

shop it’s like well i don’t need a big

fancy erp system

sure but then when you get to that point

it is so much harder to implement one

where you have

more employees so if you start off early

and i like your

your model because it is seat based you


right i’m not buying a 50 000

system right is meant for this humongous

company that

can’t know i can grow and you know you

got to start filling positions

as we grow you know like we never used

to have a full-time

inspector we just had a few guys that

would do things well now it’s

you know we have a full-time inspector

he’s 100 responsible

you know everything’s there so you know

lots of those things as you grow and

then the system’s there

so how many folks are on your team now

we’re at 15 now we were at 19

before the pandemic okay honestly you

guys shut down second shift

the four guys there

we make more money okay

i already love pro shop it’s like i

unexpectedly have to take a day off and

there’s something i was

thinking about worrying about you know a

smart new part i just

jump on real quick and look at it sure

that’s on the machine they’re

they’re they got it going right so far

along so

you know life’s been easy for me for the


that’s and you’ve been getting doing

more hunting and golfing and vacations


yep uh yep lessons again so

well cool well thank you so much for

spending this time with me i really

appreciate it

yeah i don’t know yeah i enjoy it call

me anytime so

all right dave thank thank you take care


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