OCD Testimonial
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Business Size: 21-40

Video Transcript



i’m mitch olson i’m one of the owners at

olson custom designs we’re a cnc

manufacturing facility in indianapolis


and we service the aerospace and defense


before we use proshop we were using word

documents excel sheets

quickbooks for accounting which we were

still able to use with proshop

when discussing if we were going to use

proshop or not we

leaned on our newly hired general

manager and he had used

two different erp systems in the past

that he knew he did not want to use

moving forward

we really were on board the minute we

saw it

because it was so specific to what our

future goals were what we envisioned our

company being

the onboarding for pro shop was really

pretty seamless we did a lot of


training brian was one of our trainers


used to be a machinist himself so it

really seemed you know he spoke our

language as far as how

how we learned and what our needs were

we started using proshop

almost instantly we just started at the

beginning of the manufacturing process

which was quoting

and once we developed and learned how to

quote we just moved into the next step

of the process doing work orders

ordering material

and just kind of developed the process

through there all the way up to


pro shops making your company sound so

much more professional when a customer

calls and asks

you know how many parts did you ship

because they’re unsure of it you’re not

looking through file cabinets having

them on hold trying to find a job

traveler or an invoice that was sent

pro shop has absolutely became a sales

tool for us from the smallest customers

to our largest customers

every single one of them is blown away

with our organization the fact that

there’s a computer every single

workstation in the shop

just the visual aspect of it looks so

impressive when somebody walks in

so that alone is a showpiece but then

when you actually dive into it and show

them how

the system tracks the work orders tracks

the material certs

tracks the quality system all the way to

to the invoicing

i mean they’re blown away one of the

reasons we were able to have such rapid


coming from five employees 18 months ago

to 30 employees today

is because we have a system like proshop

without proshop there is no way we could

have handled the workload and stay

organized like we’ve been able to stay

but still to this day we’re integrating

new processes as our company grows

proshop grows with us i would absolutely

recommend proshop to other shops like


pro shop actually owned a machine shop

and they speak our language they

do the trenches they’ve been through all

the things that machine shops


struggle with so every problem you’ve

had they’ve had before

and it makes the communication

so much easier when you’re talking with

somebody that’s actually been through it

been through the growth

been through the problems that they’ve

had with audits and customers

and whatever problem that you could

imagine they’ve been through

a lot of the ways pro shops helped us

improve quality is it’s

helped us improve the kind of employee

we attract

the new workforce is so much more tech

savvy they don’t want to be filling out

an old paper work order

there’s so much more adapt to having a

screen a point-and-click

filling out things with a keyboard just

makes so much more sense to the new

generation of employee

the thing i love most about proshop is

when we have an audit because it makes

it so much easier and almost every

auditor we’ve had

has been blown away it’s all in one spot

you’re not looking through file cabinets

for anything you’re not looking through

other systems it’s literally

point-and-click and they have everything

they want right there there’s just so

many benefits to it

it’s really endless we couldn’t do

without them


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