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ProShop Contact Module Demo

– [Instructor] Let’s take a look at our contact module and explore some of the features here. You can see that I’m in the contact module for Premier Aerospace. Right below their name, I can see a list of all the links to various records related to this customer. So I can see all of their parts, they’re active are all work orders, estimates, quotes, and so on and so forth, including delivery, performance and profitability for all their jobs. Right below this, I can see the different shipping addresses that we might choose for purchase orders, and work orders. On the left hand side here, I see their unique client ID, as well as the contact information for our main contact at the company. Down below here, I see shipping requirements and settings for this customer. So I can see that they require us to use their UPS account, only shipped exact quantity of parts, and their on time delivery window is seven days early, zero days late, A few other details related to packaging and shipping, and they have a lead time of one day to arrive at their dock once we ship from our dock. All of these settings will actually drive behavior down into the work orders for this customer. So it will automatically calculate when things are available to ship and when work orders need to ship to stay on time based on the on time delivery window. So it’ll feed things like the UPS account number down into the jobs where employees that are doing that work can see the information and act on it accordingly. Just below the shipping addresses, we can see a personnel table where we can keep track of all the employees at our customer. Down below the employees we see a notes table, which is kind of a secret notes table, not most employees can see this only for certain users and we can put things like their portal, passwords and things like that. Down below that we see the client satisfaction survey results and any surveys we’ve sent, and I can link in the actual surveys and then down below that I can see any corrective actions that this customer has sent to us. Down below the shipping information I see where we can document all the billing requirements for this customer, including signed credit apps, their payment terms, things of that nature. And down below that I see the quality and paperwork requirements for this customer. So we can see that this customer requires us to deliver certs, they do require a CFC, they want first articles only when there’s a new revision and they would like it in the AS Terminal 2 format. We have a few other settings related to AS Terminal 2 and then below that we have field for putting other quality requirements just as text based notes which will feed on to jobs. And then below that we can also link in any quality or paperwork requirements that this company has as a global standard not related to specific jobs, I can see their ITR controlled as well, and that will feed behavior on to vendor purchase orders to employees that aren’t US persons they wouldn’t be able to see these jobs for instance. Down below that I can see settings related to sales and estimating customer service, that type of thing. I can see who the account manager is for the company, what kind of estimating requirements they have, any specific notes that are not related to quality per se, industry, and general files down at the bottom as well as a link to the folders that pro shop will automatically manage and create sub-folders for each project that we need to work on, as we create parts in pro shop. So that gives you a little bit of an overview about the customer page. Keep in mind here up at the top. All these links we see at the top are always live and pro shop generates them constantly, So there is no need to run reports and you can just click on anything you need and it’ll always be up to date and current as of that moment.

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