our setup times for machines really
started to Trend down once we went live
and as a Job Shop we can have hundreds
of setups per week and saving even a few
minutes on each one really has a big
impact on the shop overall our setup
times have definitely decreased tooling
requirements special requirements
inspection requirements all of that is
figured in advance using photos of
setups written descriptions part check
info and sequence details we’ve been
able to preload as much as we can of the
job before it makes its way to the
machine the machinists have all the
information on hand they really don’t
have to go ask anybody for anything the
drawings are there any special documents
all live within the system once you go
into the job there’s no chance of making
a mistake everything is all on one page
that’s what’s really nice about it
having everything on the computers and
being able to pull it up and not have to
look at a greasy coolant spilled piece
of paper has definitely helped reduce
our setup time so so as far as setup
reduction because everything is stored
digitally and you’re not relying on
archived paper data we’ve seen a
reduction I would estimate probably 50%
on our setup times using the tools in
Pro Shop we’ve been able to reduce our
setup Times by over 50% our setup time
is probably been cut in half with Pro