Better Together! Streamline YOUR ERP & Quality Processes
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welcome everyone we will begin in one


hello everyone and welcome to this special webinar Better Together how to streamline your Erp and quality

processes with prosop and high QA I am Lisa Sterling your host and moderator

for today’s session today we are going to take a look at why streamlining your Erp and

quality processes can dramatically improve efficiencies and production for your

shop but before we get started I would like to mention just a couple of housekeeping items we invite you to ask

questions throughout the presentation by typing in your Q&A tab at the bottom of your screen as your phone is muted

during the session we will address the questions received at the end of the presentation please note that this

webinar is being recorded and will be available in a few days for playback I would now like like to

introduce you to our presenters for today we have Brian Anderson technical adviser for Pro Shop as well as Chris

mesino vice president of product for high QA and with that I will turn the

floor over to Chris to get us started he Thank you Lisa and thank you

everyone for taking the time to join this session um hopefully we find it really valuable and and we give you some

new insights into how um you’re able to uh work more efficiently with Pro Shop

and high QA together um just real quick C uh um thing to get out of the way I’m

a little bit under the weather today so I’ll try to mute as best I can if I um to to avoid the sniffles but apologies

if anything sneaks through and so um I just wanted to start

the session off today or we wanted to start the session off today with a quick um intro as to

why pro shop and hiu are um are have been partnered together for so long uh I

think we’ve been partnered together for somewhere around four or five years now um and a lot of that has to do with the

um combination of value that we saw uh between the two companies U there was um

in addition to just like functional value uh that you’ll see today as we outlined kind of um some of the feature

benefits of the different packages but there’s also kind of a lot of similarities in the way that the

companies were um uh both either established or the way that we operate

and a lot of that being that the people that started these companies Hua and

proshop um and and the people that work here we have a really U unique set of

background and experience uh and domain knowledge uh about the manufacturing sector and it’s fairly well Diversified

too so uh in a lot of Erp companies you typically have Erp experts in a lot of quality companies you have quality

experts right um but uh there’s actually the and among the founders and the top

Executives or management teams um there’s actually a pretty diverse set of backgrounds across manufacturing even a

lot of us have you know programmed um CNC machines on the floor right and and

run Parts through uh their life cycles where we have CAD cam backgrounds PLM Erp all of that um and that brings a

nice well-rounded perspective uh to how we develop these products and how we um allow them to

integrate and uh for a ideal experience for you guys overall uh and another

point on that too is that you know with today you’re going to have multiple software systems in one way or another

uh to run your business and so the expectation from our standpoint is that those software packages should be able

to uh seamlessly integrate with one another uh to provide an overall uh as efficient as

possible experience um for your operations so that you can connect everything from quote to shipping um and

without any redundancy and data entry between uh the different systems um or

without any kind of significant manual workarounds and so uh I say that to

point out that what you’ll see today um we’re currently doing and we have been

for the last few years a CSV uh data exchange and something that I I’ll just tease right now but we’ll get into at

the end of the session is uh we’ve been talking for a while about uh a more tightly integrated um solution or or a

connection between the two products and that’s something that we’ll be able to talk a little bit more about

what’s coming up in the next few months here um as we’re getting closer to

having uh a variety of scenarios and use cases supported through um actual API

connections with live data exchange so I’ll tease that real quick and then uh

just know that we’ll get to that at the end of the session all right and uh with that we just wanted to show one uh quote

uh from one of our joint customers just as a example of some of the benefits there uh so I’m not going to read

through this exactly but we have a couple of quotes throughout the flow here uh just to show you some of the impact that these products are having on

customers when utilized together uh something I noticed personally is the

that proshop and hiqa seem to be Unique Products within the market overall um me

personally I’ve actually worked with both companies uh throughout my career um because I was actually highly

interested or um uh impressed with the way that technology was being built in

the way that it was differentiated within the industry so hopefully um that comes across today and um and hopefully

um you guys are able to learn some things and see some new value that you’re able to get out of the two systems working together so with that

we’ll pass it over to Brian Anderson uh with Pro Shop thanks Chris I really

appreciate it and uh thank you everyone as Chris mentioned for uh spending your time with us today um yeah that was

great intro um and really kind of help you know set the stage for some of the stuff that I want to uh chat about today

and really I think you you really nailed it right on on the head there with uh

being a a a very very capable solution to uh in our case to to Erp needs but

also being open and uh able to connect um so we’ll kind of T touch on some of

that as uh we kind of move through my slides today um now Pro Shop uh for those of

you that don’t know was actually built in a machine shop so uh when we came

into Bean um we were a small machine shop we were founded in 1997 in Monroe

Washington uh and very small so there’s actually a little bit of a picture of uh the original owners the in the original

space of course before we moved any machines in or anything um and we were

using Excel to manage the business Excel QuickBooks word um Microsoft Project

lots of discon connected systems uh so you can imagine I’m sure a lot of you have experienced what that’s like to try

to run a business or even do parts of a business uh and have things uh separated

and and then have to spend time to bring those things together so as we were growing um actually 2000 is the year

that I came to the company I’m a machinist by trade so as Chris mentioned uh we have a uh wide wide background in

the industry uh but we were outgrowing and we started searching for another

solution we looked at all The Usual Suspects from the very expensive uh Enterprise level erps to the more uh Job

Shop based stuff and we were just underwhelmed we did not see anything

that would meet the needs in fact we were already doing more with Excel than what these other softwares were offering

us so uh we hired a web developer and started building Pro Shop and originally

of course you know being a small machine shop uh we were really focused on our

our own company managing what we needed to manage uh and managing the growth that we were experiencing so uh we in

the Pacific Northwest uh definitely had a a large amount of Aerospace work that

we were doing so we continue to develop the system to meet all of those needs meet the needs of our clients uh the

quality systems that that needed to be there and continue to just build it in one software

W now over the next several years um we experienc very strong growth we actually

of course in that in the early 2000s everyone knows the economic downturn that we experienced especially in the

Aerospace industry uh we weathered the storm and actually came out stronger all

the while it was uh us building the software that helped us manage it and

actually get through that so in fast forward a little bit to 2008 oh sorry

that makes my slides up there uh fast forward a little bit to 2008 we actually had an employee working for us on the

weekends he was Moonlighting with us and his primary job was actually at uh self

aom Marine which was one of our largest customers at the time now uh he had

worked with us on the weekend and uh went back to to his main company and said hey you know they’re doing this

this great work with this software I think that we should incorporate it and see what we can get out of it and of

course as they approached us about that uh Prospect we were like what do we know about software we’re a machine shop uh

but they were persistent and so we helped them implement it and in the first year they saw such dramatic

Improvement on many aspects of their company that would be things like ontime delivery overhead reductions increases

in throughputs increases in profits that at that point the founders really took a step back and and evaluated what we had

created and and realized we were really on to something U that wasn’t just valuable to us but was actually valuable

to the industry as a whole and and that’s really where a lot of this conversation today uh takes root is that

from the very beginning here as a software company we’ve believed that the

industry needs to be better more efficient faster and more responsive to

the marketplace than it already is and how can we do that well the best way

that we can do that is to shed the manufacturing company which

the the founders did in 2014 uh and spin-off Pro Shop uh and uh

focus on the software side and how can we help uh integrate that throughout the

uh uh the industry and help many many different customers uh realize what their true capabilities are uh and of

course working with other companies like hiqa to help make that possible

so um how does Pro Shop do this well first of all internally what we do is uh

we kind of control everything from the front door to the back door whether we’re talking about doing estimating uh and project management managing

purchases and inventories uh understanding schedules and backlogs we we’ll be able to see how

all of that comes together in a single system uh visualizing work instructions

so one of the things that that I think differentiates Pro Shop from a lot of the other options out there in fact

almost every other option out there is the fact that we really do focus on every single role in the company whether

that’s somebody in the front office uh somebody that uh Works in purchasing or

receiving or right down to the shop floor uh whether it’s running parts or doing machine maintenance all of those

different things are actually tracked and and addressed within the proot envir

en we also especially since we came from the Aerospace industry wanted to

incorporate quality now when I say we wanted to incorporate quality this is not something that we just added on this

is actually features that are built in the Pro Shop uh that will help manage

everything from the top level quality manual all the way down to shop floor inspections and we do it all digitally

um everyone knows that uh uh you know the industry definitely started on paper uh everything right from drawings to

managing the business and managing the accounts Etc but of course here we are in 2022 approaching 2023 uh that’s not

the way of the world anymore and so um we right from the beginning in in 2000

when we started developing the software we knew that we needed to move into a digital and a paperless environment and

that has been core in our Transitions and in our Evolution uh through the

entire process and it will Main main that uh as we continue to

grow uh few of the key components here I won’t spend a lot of time on this but uh

estimating and quoting you know one one of the things that we need to do is really understand what the customer

needs what are our capabilities and processes are and be able to put together pricing for them very very

quickly whether we’re talking about a single component that’s a prototype run uh a long-term production run with

repeat orders or a complex assemblies any of that kind of stuff all of that

needs to be quickly evaluated uh and priced out to the customer so they can

get a competitive quote in real time and then of course we can react to that we

want to be able to uh set up all of our work for Success again all the way through the company whether we’re

talking about that upfront project management contract review side of things what are the true requirements

this is really critical when we talk about uh industries that are uh that are

controlled with quality system like ISO or as or uh e even oil and gas

Industries uh we need to be able to know our supply chain this is especially

crucial crucial right now uh we need to know what do we have what do we need can

I get it on time uh and we need that visibility all the way through so part

of the The Upfront planning process is going to be able to have uh quick visual

representation of that and then be able to react to that and and put in place

the plan to get the items here that I need whether that’s raw materials or or components for assemblies or what have

you again we need to know uh and and see what that supp supply chain looks

like visibility of targeted time and cost so this is where uh again we need

to know what we have to do so whether we have estimated the job or not we when we estimated we might know that it’s going

to be 20 hours on a machine and 10 hours in assembly and 2 hours over in part mark but we need to know that we need to

know it at the beginning and then monitor our progress all the way through

so we need to be able to see that our setup was done and it was done on time

and same with our inspection have we actually done the inspection that needs to be done did we accomplish it in the

time frame that we think that it was going to take did we also will produce

the parts or or run the process in the manner that it needed to be run or was there an issue and we’ll be able to take

all of this and see it live whether it’s somebody on the shop floor somebody in

inspection all of it is evaluated in Pro Shop and it’s very very Vis

visible scheduling is also something that is usually a fairly large topic

there are different ways that we think about scheduling in Pro Shop uh that could be things from uh the Gant chart

views to to know uh you know what’s the status of any of the projects that we’re

on um what is the the the likelihood that we’re going to get it done on time

how much work does it take to get to know this do we have to put together reports does somebody have to sit down

for an hour every morning and figure out where are we uh and in Pro Shop we

wanted to eliminate all of that uh we we know what it’s like to I personally know what it’s like uh to have to sit down

with uh Excel and Microsoft Project and whiteboards and Post-it notes and run

around the shop to try to figure out the status of things um where where are the bottlenecks when we’re planning new work

how how do we know what uh what resources we have and what capabilities we have and where can work actually fit

in sales needs to know that if they’re just going to sell for one value stream uh but we have five different value

streams they really need to know where our bottlenecks are what availability

and what opportunities they have that they can turn around and help serve their customers and of course what do we work

on this is something to write on the on the shop floor if it’s again somebody standing at a machine how do they know

what to work on uh so Gant charts are a great way to do that we also have dashboards I don’t have any uh any

slides of dashboards uh there’s different reasons that we might be looking at different scheduling and and

um prioritization tools within Pro Shop to get people where they need to be and

we want to do it very very quickly we incorporate all kinds of

tools for uh again letting people know what to work on so we have a complete digital tool Library where they will be

able to see what what tools are required how many we have in the bin are they in use where are they are they over in in

machine a or are they in machine B well a full library of uh of uh tools that’s

uh situated across both the manufacturing side as well as purchasing

in inventory we’ll be able to track equipment and uh uh maintenance

requirements um this module also tracks calibration for Quality Systems if you need to know the calibration status of

any uh inspection equipment same module it’s actually going to notify people

when something is out of calibration or something is due for maintenance uh so people again don’t have to spend a

lot of time building reports they just see right away what needs to happen and they can react to

that as I mentioned before the quality system is built in and this is not just

a bolt onth side file server everything from the top level quality manual all the way through through procedures

training how it relates to employees what kind of access they have within the system all of that is fully integrated

within Pro Shop and it also incorporates security features

so if we’re talking about uh if you’re if you’re a company that’s in the um defense industry or if you have to work

with anything that is itar controlled or you’re working on your cmmc compliance

or certifications uh the tools for those are built into prosop because you

shouldn’t need to to take a disconnected system to control files or to control

what kind of access people have and what kind of data they can see all of that is going to be built right in and uh and

included within the Pro Shop system handling non-conformances and uh

reporting within the system so we of course want to know when things go well

and we need to know when things don’t go well and so when we do inspections

within the system we’ll be able to track non-conformances or corrective actions or returns uh any of those things are

actually all built in uh there’s automations to make sure that if something is entered in uh out of

Tolerance that we can see that right away and then of course we notate that to other employees whether that’s a

manager or uh an inspector or something like that and once we have this data we

also do automated reporting so if we’re trying to review the previous month’s performance and we want to know the

scrap rate or we want to know the performance in a certain area or by a certain employee all of that is just uh

a couple of clicks away again without having to sit down and work through any

specific reporting so to speak and quality control from the

actual inspection perspective so in this case um I’m actually not going to talk a

whole lot here as you can see we’ve got some balloon tagging on the left we’ve got an inspection plan on the right this

is really where we’re going to start uh understanding what what connections we

have with with high QA uh because uh Pro Shop I’ll be a very very capable system

we don’t do everything there there’s just some things that we have not uh we’re not going to be spending time

doing uh and and that’s where some of our our um Partnerships come in and so

with high QA uh we’re able to actually work directly with that software and

combine the strengths that they have with the strengths that we have to make

a more seamless experience and save everyone time and get them what what

they need when they need it as quick as possible um little bit of a quote here

before I hand it off to Chris um this is a a joint customer of ours uh between

Pro Shop and hiqa and I won’t read the whole thing this kind it’s kind of long here but but basically I just I love

this quote it it is fantastic uh and honestly it’s it’s very humbling to to

me uh this is just how uh someone can can take the the tools that we have

provided and uh work from uh as as he says work from from being a welder to a

highly skilled QA manager uh and running the team with Pro Shop and high QA and

running it in in a very effective and very efficient manner and and the the time saving here to to go from an hour

or more to 5 minutes is is just an incredible uh transition and uh really

at the root of why we do what we want to do uh because this is the kind of thing

that as I I was saying before the industry needs more of we need to be able to help people get to a level of

efficiency that makes them more competitive makes them more um uh more

efficient and of course more profitable because that’s better for everyone not just the company but but their customers

their employees and so on so anyway I love this quote uh it really kind of captures a lot of what uh uh what we’re

talking about today and uh with that I’d like to actually turn it back over to Chris here um and uh and let you pick

up hey thanks a lot Brian really appreciate it um yeah that particular

quote is one of my favorites as well um um you can see like the enthusiasm and

how we uh were able to transform his world quite a bit there all right um if you are able to

stop sharing Brian I’ll take the screen there all

right excellent all right just quick confirm you’re able to see my screen yes

sir okay awesome so uh a little bit about high QA

excuse me uh a little bit about high QA and uh who we are just for those that may not know us um uh directly uh We’ve

uh we’re a manufacturing quality company uh that’s been around since about 2006

or so I believe is when we were founded but really started taking off um post 2015 or so um there was a lot of

Technology development and such ear on with the OCR engine that we built that’s OCR stands for optical character recog

nition okay so that’s the tool that we use to be able to Auto balloon drawings

and that was kind of where we started but um we had a vision of where we ultimately wanted to be and I’ll touch

more on that in a little bit um but yeah as a product or as a um

a software provider we have a extremely expansive platform uh that’s able to

address a huge amount of um really significant needs that within the market

related to Quality and Manufacturing and so I’ll touch on this just just briefly and then we’ll kind of focus in on a

couple of key areas here in a demo um but one of the major issues that we saw

within the market was the lack of tools or common platform for quality and

Manufacturing Engineers to be able to collaborate together okay and so um th

those two areas tend to be siloed uh fairly significantly um and that that’s

something I liked about proshop is that they’re able to uh coordinate uh or help those uh teams coordinate among other

teams as well uh within the organization and with high QA we’re able to do that

uh in a little bit more specific way when it comes to Quality planning and

inspection planning okay so uh as a tool set overall uh we we get into a whole

bunch of different areas um but for today uh we wanted to kind of focus in on how the ballooning uh side of things

works and how we’re able to plan and prep um inspection plans to push them up

into Pro Shop uh just a real quick uh piece here about um we’re just over a

thousand customers now actually uh we were just talking this morning I think this may need to get updated to 1100 uh

but I’ll have to check the count um but this is an example of some of the companies that we work with so all the

way down from like Mom and Pop shops and all the way up to you know uh multinational conglomerate companies

that uh have tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of employees uh and everything in between there right

and we uh are particularly focused on the Aerospace space defense um automotive and medical uh Industries and

we do quite a bit with oil and gas and Machinery as well uh as some other sectors uh but I’d say probably these

first uh five here are the uh ones that we are most involved in

okay so uh from there let’s uh actually jump into a live demo so that you can

understand how the autoing side of things works here so um this is the actual um High QA

software right here and for those of you that haven’t seen it before um what I’ve

done here is started a new part record uh within our system so we’re a database

driven software built on a uh SQL database um so this isn’t just like one

single um uh engineering tool that sits locally on one engineer’s PC uh this is

actually intended to be a uh client server model uh collaboration tool that

allows multiple people in the organization throughout quality teams manufacturing teams and uh inspectors um

QC Personnel whoever to be able to collaborate together in one environment okay uh and so uh up here and click open

and you can kind of see this here where I’m able to see a list of all of my open parts that I might have and so I can search a here by part or job uh to get

to the record that I’m working on okay and you can even see that we get into things like um ballooning tabulated

drawing so uh I’m not going to hit on that today in particular but um you can certainly check out we’ve done webinars

on this about how to balloon tabulated drawings uh for those of you that might work with those um where we can identify

a part as a tabulated master in balloon that Define the permutations

on the individual Dimensions uh and their requirements for the specific part numbers under that Master and uh then

with a single click just break that out into all of the different uh permutations of the inspection plan all

right and then each of those could then subsequently be uploaded into uh Pro Shop fairly seamlessly okay uh so for

those of you that work with tabulator drawings that probably makes a lot of sense to you for those of you that are like what’s a tabulator drawing maybe

not so much but that’s okay you don’t need it

so um let’s uh so what we have here is this drawing uh that you can see it’s interactive I can kind of zoom in around

I can pan with it um and we have a toolbar over here and this is where all of our characteristics are going to go

okay so because in addition to ballooning the drawing we’re actually extracting the requirements from uh the

2D PDF and we can do this with both um PDFs tiffs and also even uh 3D models so

we can take um uh CAD models as well uh Native CAD files from something like I

don’t know NX Creo solid works whatever it is and import those and extract uh

gd&t requirements from those models if they have uh PMI data in them okay so if

that’s something you guys are interested in certainly reach out and talk to us um I’m not going to be demoing that today but just be aware that that’s something

that we’re capable of doing okay so uh I’m going to come up here and just Auto balloon this

particular one now we can Auto balloon multiple Pages or single page uh we have a few settings here uh that we can um

use to configure the logic and how things are going to work but we’re just going to leave that as a default let

that run and we’re going to see what we get there

okay so what this is doing is it’s actually scanning the drawing and uh

recognizing where all the features are okay and recognizing what’s a dimension what’s not a dimension it’s going to add

a balloon and extract um the requirements to this table here like you just saw okay so that all happened in

about 18 20 seconds for a drawing like this uh which has 34 individual

characteristics we can see that down in the bottom here right uh so super impressive right like um if I do say so

myself um and this is something that you know anybody that’s done this manually obviously uh is taking the time to you

know Mark these up either in Adobe editor or PowerPoint or something like that we’ve seen all kinds of cases but

then the real time uh consuming piece is populating this table so you can see the amount of detail we’re able to extract

here so uh these are linked by the way these panels so if I click on like balloon 7 it jumps to balloon 7 on the

drawing and so forth here right and I have my dim editor over here on the side and so we’re pulling in the um the dim

type the requirement um if there’s multipliers we’re pulling that in here right um you

can see for this uh charact um this feature here we have three call outs

right so we have a diameter thread and true position right and there’s four instances of them and the system is able

to recognize that so it has 17.1 two and three here and it recognizes that it’s a

diameter thread a true position I have my requir all spelled out and we we can

see all of that it even knows the tolerance type right so it sees that these are just general

tolerances uh this uh true position it’s an as limit some of the ones in here are

basic dimensions and so it’s picking up on all of that based on the um uh

standard drawing formatting right and so some things that I can do with this uh we can actually take this

if we uh wanted to and split this out into multiple subcharacteristics I’ll do

that here and oh it looks like I don’t have a setting turned on so um yeah I’ll

I’ll just explain this real quick and I’ll turn the setting on later but uh you see how it broke those line items up

into um 12 individual line items right so now I’m able to actually have

17.12 3core 1 17.12 3core 2 and so on and so forth because this is actually 12

checks right so we can actually distinguish all of those uh in here um

automatically okay and the setting that I wanted to have turned on here um I might be able to jump to a different

part number that’s got that setting on is breaking out the um into individual balloons so having four balloons instead

of the one so it would be 17 uncore one two and one two 3 and four and I can drag and drop those over to the um area

on the drawing that they’re referring to so I can name these four holes effectively uh so that way way now when

I’m collecting data against them I’m able to uh see like SBC Trends or see

past fail uh even if uh related to individual holes instead of them as a

group right so having that resolution can be really significant uh if you’re dealing with really tight tolerance

features on um specifically related to like um mating features and stuff if

it’s in like an assembly or something uh that can be really significant if one hole is always causing some problems

versus it’s kind of randomly spread if there’s an issue on the part okay just

helps with some cause analysis so sorry to interrupt there Chris I just wanted to clarify something you just said uh so

you just indicated that that you can have a a setting specific to this part number but if you’re working with

another project or another part that uh has different requirements uh maybe they

don’t need to be broken out into 12 separate uh checks you can you can control that by part number it does not

have to be all one one way or the other yeah that’s actually a really good point

I wasn’t planning on getting into that side of it but that’s a very good point thanks Brian sorry sorry I didn’t mean

to interrupt no no no it’s good I I appreciate being interrupted um so uh I

I’ll explain where that’s coming from um and in doing so I could probably even modify the setting too uh but um we do

that through what we call part categories okay so part categories are a way for us to actually

templae um uh settings profiles effectively like it’s a grouping of

settings that we can templatized on specific customer requirements or maybe it’s part types or something like that

right um and so when you create a part you can pick which part category it

should be pulling it settings from and here I’ll show up here uh if we go to part categories at

the system level now okay so I’m looking at all my part categories and I can say

okay on one versus uh another right I’ll pick this like customer B here for example um these are all the settings

that I can configure uh under that part category so um the one that I was

talking about here was see under part settings I can set like okay which location is that related to what types

of decimal tables are we using uh and these two settings are the one I was talking about here whether we want to

create sub balloons for to multiply dims or if we want to show um and show the

original balloon so that’s kind of tied to it um so you may want to have those checked on or checked off depending on

the nature of your customer requirements and so on but there’s a lot of other things that we can do in here as well we

can even modify like the um uh the Aesthetics of the balloon drawing uh

maybe you want to have different shapes or colors uh on the balloon drawing depending on the customer right or or if

it’s an assembly part versus a detail part something like that or uh maybe it’s like a part that you Outsource and

and you sub out to a plier versus something made internally so that way looking at the print you can see just based on the colors of the balloons you

know what type of a part it is that you’re looking at um a lot of our customers will do things like that uh

there’s other things in here for like the sampling rules and such uh depending on how you’re using the

system uh and then even what we call PTP settings uh where we can Define u

documentation requirements and things of that nature so yeah super powerful uh feature Set uh for this came out uh for

those of you who are customers already uh and you’re like hey I never saw that before it’s because it’s a little bit new uh it came out in version 7 back in

June or so so if you’re not on that version yet you’re interested in this uh feature set definitely reach out to us

it’s not a paid add-on or anything like that it’s actually part of the core product so whatever version or package you have sorry not whatever version but

whatever package you have um this is part of that future set thanks for that

I appreciate that that’s um I do want to also point out that that’s really complimentary to how we approach the

same kind of categorizations within proshop uh where we have ways to uh

associate as well as differentiate uh between Parts clients uh system

requirements and so on so very very similar uh thinking along those terms and and you know that’s just one of the

ways that I think uh our two softwares just really work well together is we have a very similar appro approach uh to

a lot of these kind of structural um policies if you will for lack of a

better term yeah and absolutely and I think part of that comes down to just being in

the industry long enough and understanding the way manufacturing works that uh I I say this all the time

I ask like uh customers when I’m working with them um do you do you have parts

that work this way that way or some other way so you give three options and they just answer yes because they do it

all those ways there’s tons of shops that have that there’s just a huge variety of scenarios that you’re dealing with

so okay um so yeah just pointing out a few other things here um as we go on um

noticing uh kind of where we are at with time so what a typical flow here would

be um we bring the drawing in we’re doing our um initial ballooning we have a full-blown um dim editor over here on

the side uh so if there’s anything that needs to be configured here uh where we would start applying things like um

aside from checking to make sure that the characteristics are accurate that the requirements are accurate right it’s a diameter dim type what type of

Tolerance are we pulling from if it’s General that means we’re pulling from the tolerance table associated with this part um nominal tolerances are all

correct notes blah blah blah right so aside from the um specifics coming from

the drawing right we’re dialing all of that in and we’re also assigning things like the gauge category right so we have

an entire uh gauge Library um where we can track uh gauges we can have the

gauge categories um kind of selectable from the drop- down list here and so on

um we can apply what we call designators so like the criticality of the feature right it’s a critical major minor you

may have custom um uh designators that you use uh even across different

customers potentially right so um on a per job basis even you can get down to that granularity you could have unique

designators uh per part per job um that are unique to that record right and it

really depends on a combination of like customer requirements like in terminology what they call things and then what you call things internally um

because you’ll have customer critical features and then you’ll have your own like manufacturing critical features whatever you call them for your shop

okay so we’d be able to assign all those assign our sampling rules um like so we

can click and pick different uh sampling rules and logic that we want to apply here um all of this able to be uh

exported and shared um uh directly into Pro Shop okay uh one other piece here as

well I’ll go to what we call manufacturing operations so uh most of you probably are not making TurnKey

widgets um uh most shops working with Pro Shop or hyway uh they’re making

slightly more complex parts that go through multiple operations so you don’t just um you’re not just building a final

inspection plan you’re actually building in process uh inspection plans um at for

each stage of the manufacturing process typically so doing that in our system is really straightforward I can just kind

of window select or hold down control to select a couple of specific balloons

that I want to check at an operation say add operation here and there we go we have an OP we’ll

call this maybe op 50 and we’ll say it’s op 50 uh Milling or something

or or M Ruff or something like that right uh it can be anything and we can

assign a particular work cell um kind of say what process it’s linked to that’s getting into something else there

but and then we can keep adding these in here right so we can add a whole bunch of uh operation steps as needed to

detail things out now What’s Happening Here is we’re not just grouping Dimensions or assigning a label to a dim

uh we’re actually if we select the operation we’re building a unique

inspection plan at that operation step okay so we now have a balloon drawing

and customers have preferences of whether they want the balloons to say uh the balloon number with a suffix on it

for the operation some like that some don’t but you have the control over that okay uh it is kind of nice that you’re

able to see when looking at the drawing oh this is definitely for op 50 because that’s what all the balloons say right

it makes it really obvious so again up to you and your preference and how you want to set that up so once we have all

of these right we have all these uh inspection requirements that we can detail out per operation uh we’re able

to go up here and say export prosop CSV right here and that’s going to just push out a CSV file that we’ve curated for uh

Pro Shop to be able to import seamlessly on their side uh and they’re able to import that to a specific part uh in a

specific um part check table uh at each operation of the process and so if you

break out the operations here on this side and you build it this way you just import that entire um list of checks per

operation and it’ll associate them with the appropriate opts in Pro Shop on the other side okay so really

straightforward uh we we’ve historically demoed that piece of it but for uh the sake of time there’s some other stuff

that we wanted to share at the end of this session today um obviously we can do all sorts of training and get you guys up and going on how the specific

connection works okay so um I wanted to take the last few minutes

here to talk about a few things so um what we’ve gone over here are um kind of

some fundamental steps that most of our joint customers take uh to be able to balloon drawings and so on but there’s a

couple background details that we’re working on kind of making smoother and more automated um so in particular the

way that this drawing gets entered into into the system right uh so today you

would have to take the drawing you you come into high QA you say new from Wizard or new from drawing or new from CAD like I mentioned we could do 3D as

well and you have to go find that file and you generate a part record off of that and then you come in here you’re

going to say the part number that you want the part name the Rev so it’s a couple of details right it’s not a huge

deal and customers don’t mind doing this at all um but it would be nice if it was

more automated right uh to eliminate the risk of potentially having

like a typo or something like that so one of the things that we are working on right now uh and we have some prototypes

of this and we’re um soon going to be moving to the stage of deploying uh to

Beta customers for uh on-site testing is a um is a digital uh connector uh that

connects between our API and Pro Shop’s API so that there’s a seamless exchange of data uh in an automated fashion right

so as you generate Pro um as you generate Parts in Pro Shop you should be able to just automatically push those

records into high QA um there’s we’re still working out to find details but

there’s a whole bunch of options on the table um about what we’ll be able to do and different use cases that we’ll be

able to support so for example um through RPI you can have from an Erp

system uh you can actually generate the part record in Highway you can upload the drawing you can trigger the auto

ballooning process uh all automatically and mark the record as requiring review

right by somebody to come in and make sure that the auto ballooning um performed correctly you know we we don’t

profess to have 100% Accurate Auto ballooning right we just profess to be the best at it in the world but that

means like 85 90% accuracy most of the time um and you make a couple of small

um edits uh and specify things like the gauge category that you want the

designators that’s always going to be something that you’re making a decision on um as the planner

right and so you’re dialing in those pieces and then being able to just

seamlessly push a button to uh sync those records back up into Pro Shop uh

so that the um part check info gets automated uh gets populated without having to necessarily use a CSV to

import back and forth okay so that next stage in um Automation and connectivity

between the systems uh is something that’s soon approaching in the next few months here um now that we’re uh both

companies have kind of gotten to that stage from a technology standpoint uh and and having the right teams uh to be

able to make that happen Okay so that’s something we’re really excited about uh and there’s also uh for those of you uh

that may have questions there’s a bunch of other things that we’re looking to do as well there’s some scenarios where we have customers that utilize our um data

collection tools uh for inspection uh on the shop floor and so being able to sync

things like NCR records or uh syncing the gauge libraries so we can track usage history and such um and Pro Shop

can deal with the calibration um checks in the calibration history inserts on that end right so there’s there’s a

whole bunch of scenarios like that that we’re evaluating and uh we’re open to

any kind of suggestions that are anybody that’s a joint customer already that’s

saying hey it’d be really nice if you guys were able to do this we’d love to hear about that right um maybe you guys

are um seeing some needs or some value that we didn’t necessarily think of um

the other thing I’ll say about that too is uh as we are developing or building

these connectors we are uh we have a couple of companies that we’ve already identified that are using both products

who we’re going to be working with as um I guess we’ll say beta test um so we’ll set up like a a staging

server environment uh at their facility and it has like a backup of the Hua and

Pro Shop um systems on that server so that we can test with their real data

and and then move to the next stage of putting it into production right so if there’s anybody else on the call today

in the webinar that’s interested in um uh working as a beta customer to um

provide us feedback on on the connectivity and the use cases that we’re supporting and the way that we’re supporting various use cases we’re all

ears we open to uh talking with you about that if that’s something that you’d like to be a part of

okay all right so uh with that let’s Circle back here I think we wanted to

leave a little bit of time for some Q&A uh at the end of the session here so

let me pull back up oh we did want to have um sorry for

this slight break and flow here but we did have one um um customer quote at the

end of the session here I’ll leave it here U we’re sending out the recording at the end of the session it’s a little

bit of a lengthy quote but another great example of um uh a happy customer who

who very much enjoys working with both systems okay with that um we can move

into Q&A So Lisa I think you’re moderating perfect thank you Chris and

also Brian let’s get started we actually did have questions come in throughout the session um again just a reminder you

can still ask questions your Q&A tab is at the bottom of your screen a little bubble there so go ahead and type in

okay so the first question says how long does it take to import an inspection

plan uh Chris do you want to do that or should I address that yeah so I believe like importing

and inspection to Pro Shop so that’s probably something more on your side there yeah yeah okay um so uh basically

the it kind of depends the is the answer uh it could be a minute uh it could be three or four or five minutes um and and

the reason that it depends is that it really matters on where you’re starting from in Pro Shop do you already have

records that exist or are you trying to create records at the same time uh so um

you know sub five minutes easy not a problem uh but it it there there are

some flexibility and capabilities that need to be considered all at um uh all

at the same time so so again we we have different ways that we do that but it’s it’s very very fast it’s just a matter

of uh knowing where you’re starting from uploading the file picking the right

configuration there’s already uh or well once you have your system set there will

be configurations uh preset um and uh those are are um are just what you

select you review it and you import and then it’s done so very very fast even for uh you know 100 Dimensions or what

have you it doesn’t doesn’t take much much time at all great Okay add on sorry

I would just add to there real quick sorry Lisa that you know that’s only going to get faster too as we develop

the connectors to be able to make it just seamless uh seamless push button sync

uh definitely where we’re going in the future is is going to make that that faster and even more bulletproof uh

because nobody likes making mistakes so uh yeah that’s I’m really excited for that as well so it looks like there’s actually a

second part of that question it says how much time would it save to import that inspection plan versus manually inputting the

data yes I have a lot of experience with this um so a little bit of background um

when I was a project manager at our company I did not have this software I did it all manually I had Adobe open on

screen and I would bubble tag everything and I had Pro Shop on the other screen and then manually type it in uh

generally speaking I would spend probably in line of 30 to 60 Minutes

doing sort of a standard size print for an aerospace widget you know anything from say uh 40 Dimensions to 100

Dimensions now of course I did prints that were much larger but uh you know half hour to an hour of manual entry

time so that you know compare that to you know sub five minutes and that’s that’s really kind of what we’re talking

about uh and at the time I had a lot of experience so I was actually pretty stinking fast at it but it was still

very time consuming and uh looking back on it I I really wish that I had iqa because it would have saved me hours and

hours uh every week okay here’s another question do I

need to implement pro-op first and only after that add High QA or can I run parallell and connect when I’m ready

uh yeah I uh it it’s uh we’ll work in whatever way makes sense um so we’re

we’re really flexible and easy um yeah I think we’ve actually had customers on board both ways and it doesn’t really

matter one way or the other yeah yeah that’s a good question though there’s a couple uh here Lisa

that I wanted to point out from the Q&A sure I know we’re running a little short on time so we might not be able to get

to everything um but there’s

one where did it go I just missed it oh um there there was one here from

an um I’m not sure how to pronounce the name but Andre’s uh Pro Shop mentioned purchasing does this also include

supplier monitoring in performance oh yeah that’s a great question so yes

definitely um when we talk about supplier performance you will have a uh

basically a contact page where you’re able to log all of their you know

contact information and all of the connections and just sort of accounting systems and that kind of stuff um and

that supplier performance is actually done automatically for the most part uh there are several different key kpis for

suppliers uh and uh ontime delivery non-conformances and all of that again

that is evaluated right in and reported right in Pro Shop uh and and uh um men

managers and Auditors love it because it’s literally one click and the report runs and shows you what the previous

month’s performance was um so again nobody has to spend any time putting the report together it is all buil in yeah

that good question though right and I’ll just tack on to that real briefly here

is this is one of the things that’s great about you know the better together thing right of having Pro Shop in huway

because Pro Shop hears that question about monitoring supplier performance and and you have Brian’s answer to that

of monitoring things like ontime delivery and other kpis from a um Logistics and business perspective um

related to the purchase orders uh hiqa has uh some tools as well

for uh actually collecting quality data uh at the inspection level too um and

all of the submission package related even up through like something like ppap where you have PF flows fmeas control

plans and so on so so uh if that’s uh a side of the supplier management

that you’re interested in um just be aware I’m not sure how much we’ve talked about that with the um generalized uh

customer base here um but it’s something that um addressing both sides of

supplier management uh having both things together um is really

powerful yeah yeah great great I see there’s another question from Maria here uh can Pro Shop be connected with

another new shop system I suppose to answer that fully I I would really need

to know the context there uh Pro Shop is designed to to uh replace other systems

um uh there is some possibility of integration depending on kind of what we’re talking about I mean we work with

what we refer to is captive shops in meaning that uh uh there a small machine

shop inside of a larger organization uh that maybe uses an Enterprise Erp uh uh

like sap or or uh something like that um and so there there maybe some

things that we can chat about there but in general for most companies Pro Shop is designed to uh replace uh other

existing uh shop management system so again uh to really be able to answer that question I’d love to uh get on a

call uh or have you get on a call with one of our um representatives to really kind of talk about what your needs are

and and and and see if if that’s uh uh you know what does that really mean so um I’ll notate that to one of our one of

my co-workers and see if you can reach out and make that connection yeah uh there’s another one

here from Sharon um so Sharon asked is there capability to change tolerances

from processed Dimensions such as roughing Dimensions that may have

a that may have a plus tolerance that exceeds the drawing tolerance something like that uh yeah absolutely and so um

oh I think I’m still sharing my screen is that right Lisa you are indeed yes okay uh so uh something that I didn’t

quite hit on but glad there was the question to Circle back to it so when we talked about these operation steps in

here and being able to create inspection plans per op uh yes these are uh so like

dim uh here for example oh these are basic Dimensions so it doesn’t necessarily apply directly but let’s

pretend um let’s say that for whatever reason or maybe the uh um perpendicularity or uh

let’s see nope we’ll do it this way the diameter uh so let’s take the diameter for example uh let’s say for whatever

reason um if if we wanted to like have this be checked at a pre-plating

operation for example so we’re going to Plate this afterwards so I want to I want this hole to be slightly undersiz

right UMC or oversized because I’m G to end up adding uh some plating material

to it and so it’s going to uh shrink the size of that hole right and so if I needed to do that

I can edit the tolerances here or the nominal or anything about this Dimension

really um at this operation stage and that has that but that doesn’t impact

the inspection requirement at the finished operation so at the final operation step so they’re all

independently controlled so even if you have one dimension that’s checked at you know five different operations you can

five discrete um or requirements for how that dim should be checked or what the

requirement is for that dim at that each operation stage and and to add on to

that in the Pro Shop side of things uh we actually have a couple of tools in place to be able to differentiate

between internally required Dimensions uh and and reportable dimensions to your

customer so when you’re uh in Pro Shop when you’re generating a customer inspection report whether that’s sort of

a standard form or using the as9102 forms that are built into Pro Shop um

either way it can um uh there there’s a essentially a trigger to be able to pull

certain dimensions in and keep certain Dimensions out of the report so the customer gets exactly what they expect

to see but internally you have everything that you need to control again at the operation level as Chris

has mentioned that’s actually interesting brand I’m not sure if I personally was aware of that and so it

makes me wonder because we we canid ify a feature is finished or not um but I’m not sure if that’s something that’s

going out in the csb file today so maybe that’s something that we can look at oh yeah sure I can it it well that one’s a

little tricky because there is a specific setting for it so it’s it’s an optional feature for customers to be

able to decide how they want to use it um so we we’ll talk about it I suspect

it’s no problem at all yeah yeah took a little bit of a leap there but yeah yeah yeah perfect well we are at the top of

the hour um let’s go ahead and conclude with the this one final question that came in and actually I’ll address it to the both of you um it says how long does

it take to get up and running on the software well um I’ll go first here so

in Pro Shop the typical uh manufacturing company uh small to medium size so you

know once we let’s say we we we breach 150 employees or something like that uh

that that’s a little bit of a different conversation but generally speaking uh about a three to four-month

implementation time and I use the term implementation on purpose because it’s not just training uh the company and the

employees how to use the software it’s actually how to incorporate the software from managing the business uh so a

little bit more than um than just a a training session uh and we have

dedicated staff that that um that work with each company to bring them to to uh

develop that training plan and bring them all the way through based on each individual company’s needs uh so uh like

I said 3 to four months is kind of the typical uh time frame that most companies should

expect yeah and I would say from our side on the highyway implementation front uh depends on the level of

functionality that you’re putting in place and kind of the business case as well kind of like as Brian said but our

customers typically are up and running anywhere from uh two to eight weeks

somewhere in that time frame I know it’s a little bit of a spread but uh it really just depends on kind of the level

of depth that you’re looking to get into gra uh Lisa before we conclude

there is just a question by z uh does H recognize dual Dimensions Chris you can

relate to that yeah absolutely um so the by dual

Dimensions I think uh like being able to convert between uh English and Metric

potentially uh something like that and so uh yeah something that we do have

is a tool let me go [Music] into into here uh so we do have a tool

where um when you’re setting up the part uh you define the units that the part

that the drawing is originally in right so if this drawing is in English I would

have English here um but if I wanted to uh convert those to metric let’s say um

I can come up here and say show alternate units and I can actually have a drawing that’s showing the alternate units uh directly on the drawing and

also I can generate any uh reports in that alternate unit as well okay so um

kind of a seamless kind of switch um between that and a toggle back and forth It’s always calculating though at a

database level um the alternate units oh actually I don’t have the columns in here but um there’s hidden

columns uh in here that I just have turned off at the moment where it’ll show nominal upper and lower in Brackets

right and that’ll be the calculated um alternate unit uh so that’s why we’re able to do that uh from a reporting

perspective okay okay great thank you Chris and also thank you to Brian to both of you for

sharing all of this great information it’s very helpful uh we do have our contact information here on the screen

if any questions come to mind later in the day or for some reason we did not get to your question due to time we’ll be sure to follow up with you directly

following the session uh you can also request a personalized demo at our website there listed there on the screen

um this this webinar is being recorded as well so we will be sure to share that with you in the next few days thanks so

much everyone enjoy the rest of your


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